Acupresure and Meditation Session
Service Description
Auricular acupuncture is a simple, pain free treatment, aimed at rebalancing body and mind. It consists in 5 fine needles gently placed in your ear - each needle targets a different organ in your body, helping the organ detox and work at its best. The treatment will leave you with a feeling of relaxation in both your body and mind, which will be with you throughout the day - you’ll probably have the best night’s sleep that night too!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
For cancelations please give us, if possbile, at least 4 hours notice. Please note minimum clients for per group session is 2 members. If only 1 member is booked onto a session 1 hour before session start the session will not take place. PAYG payments will not be refunded or rolled over if you choose to cancel. Any attendance without completing TRibeFitness'PARQ form at on joining or attending a PAYG session renders TRibeFitness not liable for any injuries made worse by training.
Contact Details
TRibeFitness, Marsh Lane, Preston, UK
Preston Technology Centre, Marsh Lane, Preston, UK
+44 7833240550